Open Access Journal focused on International Relations Yearly issue: ISSN: 2067-1253

Publication requirements details

The papers that are to be published must bring scientific contributions to the journal. The papers also have to contain the results of some of your work. There can be published some synthesis, in extenso. The articles and the abstracts submitted will be written in English or French. We recommend the authors that their articles should contain 5,000 to 8,000 words.

As we have already mentioned before, the articles must contain the authors’ scientific contributions and they must bring in new information based on some references, or research done during the last five years (some ISI journals or other international publications, volumes of international conferences, CNCSIS recognized journals, etc). Bibliography must be clearly specified. Every single paper must be submitted with the following application.

The papers that do not respect the publishing conditions and are not integrated in the theme of this journal will be rejected by the Committee of the Editorial Board. In order to be accepted for publication, each article must obtain the consent of two of the journal’s scientific referents.

The authors are entirely responsible for the content of their papers.

The authors are requested to submit the paper in Word format to the journal’s editorial staff:

The articles submited should be formated as presented bellow. A model is also available for download from the following link: formated document.

1. Margins

Margins: Top: 1.5 cm, Bottom: 1.5 cm, Inside: 2 cm, Outside: 1.5 cm, Gutter: 0 cm;

Orientation: Portrait;

Pages: Multiple pages: mirror margins;

Preview: Apply to: whole document.

2. Paper

Paper size: Envelope B5, Width: 17.6 cm, Height: 25 cm;

Paper source: First page: Default tray, Other pages: Default tray;

Preview: Apply to: whole document.

3. Layout

Section: Section start: new page.

Headers and footers:

Different odd and even – yes;

Different first page – yes.

From edge: Header 1 cm, Footer 1 cm;

Page: Vertical alignment: top;

Preview: Apply to: whole document.

4. The headers

In the First Page Header: three empty rows 9 points high each (header for the article will be introduced by Make-up Editor);

In the Even Page Header: two rows 9 points high each;

On the first row: the name(s) of the authors, center, bottom border, simple line ½;

The second row: empty;

In the Odd Page Header: two rows 9 points high each;

On the first row: title of article, center, bottom border, simple line ½;

The second row: empty.

Before the title there must be two empty rows, each of 10 points high.

5. The title

The title must be centered and written in capital letters, font Times New Roman, 14 points, bold;

After the title it must be one empty row, 12 points.

6. The name of the author(s) and the address of the author(s)

The paragraph: left: 1 cm, right: 1 cm;

The authors’ names must be written align right;

The first name of the author(s) written with normal letters, and the name of the author(s) written with capital letters, Times New Roman, 12 points, bold;

The address of the author(s) will be introduced after the name of author(s); it must be written in Times New Roman, 10 points, right;

The address of the authors will contain: the name of the institutions (University of…, Faculty of…, Department of…, Center of…, Institute of…), the address of the institutions and a personal e-mail.

After the name of the author(s) and the address of the author(s) there must be one empty row, 12 points.

7. The abstract

The abstract should be written in English or French;

The abstract should contain 100 to 200 words (if possible, one paragraph) and must be written in Times New Roman, 10 points, justify;

The abstract must contain a brief description of the aim of the article, the methods of work, a brief analysis, the interpretation of the results, recommendations. It should also contain only the information that appears in the paper.

The paragraph: left 1 cm, right 1 cm;

After the abstract it must be one empty row, 11 points.

8. The keywords

The keywords should be written in English or French;

The list of keywords must contain 4 to 6 words (do not use words already used in the title) and must be written in Times New Roman, 10 points, justify;

After the list there must appear one empty row, 11 points.

9. The text of the article

The text of article must be written using Times New Roman, 11 points, justify;

The TAB is at 1.25 cm from the left edge.

10. The titles, subtitles and sub-subtitles

The titles inside the article must be written with capital letters, Times New Roman, 11 points and they must be numbered with Arabian numbers; before the title there must be an empty row, 11 points (after the title there is no need for an empty row);

The subtitles inside must be written in Times New Roman, 11 points, bold, and they must be numbered with two numbers (for example 1.3.); before the subtitle must be an empty row, 11 points (after the subtitle it doesn’t have to be an empty row);

If there are necessary sub-subtitles they must be written in Times New Roman, 11 points, italic;

The sub-subtitles must be numbered with 3 numbers (for example 1.3.2.); before the sub-subtitle must be an empty row, 11 points (after the sub-subtitle it doesn’t have to be an empty row).

11. The figures (maps, images)

The figures must appear on the page where the references about them are;

The figures must also be sent in an electronic format, a JPG;

The figures must be numbered with Arabian numbers;

The figures’ explanations must be written with Times New Roman, 10 points (for example "Fig. 1. The map of the…"), which have to appear under the figure;

The source of the figures must be written with Times New Roman, 10 points, under the explanations;

The figures will be sent as separate files and will be saved as JPEG Images, with the resolution 300 dpi;

If the figures contain text, the latter must be Times New Roman, 10 points;

The outside of the figure must be simple line, 1 ½;

The charts should be sent also in Microsoft Office Excel 2003 version.

12. The tables

The tables are included in the text;

The data from the table must be written in Times New Roman 10 points;

The tables are numbered with Arabian numbers (for example "Table 3") which have to appear before the table;

The source of the tables must be written with Times New Roman, 10 points, under the explanations;

For the header of the tables, the shading color will be gray 35%;

The outside line of the tables must be simple line, 1 ½; the inside line of the tables must be simple line, ½; between the header and table itself must be double line ½.

13. The footnotes

The footnotes containing explanations and web pages references (it is compulsory to mention the date the web page was accessed) are numbered with Arabian numbers, starting from 1;

The text of the footnote must be written in Times New Roman 10 points;

We do not allow the endnotes in the Analele Universităţii din Oradea, Seria Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene.

14. The abbreviations

The abbreviations should be explained when they first appear in the text.

15. The mathematics relations

The mathematics relations must appear centred on the page, Times New Roman, 10 points;

They must be numbered with Arabian numbers (for example "3");

Before and after the formula there must be an empty row, 11 points.

16. The citations and the references

Bibliography references are made inside the text (see the model)

Literature citations and figure references should not appear in the abstract;

17. The bibliography

The bibliography must appear at the end of the article (see the model)

Before the bibliography there must be two empty rows, each of 10 points high.

The word "Bibliography" must be centered and written in capital letters, Times New Roman, 10 points, bold;

The titles of the quoted works must appear at one row distance, justify, in Times New Roman, 10 points, hanging 1,5 cm:

  • in the case of an article: [name of the author], [first name initial(s)]., [(year of publications)], [Title of the paper], in [title of the review, volume, pages, publisher], [place of publications] (e.g.: Marinescu, V., (2010), Skiing in the Carpathians,tle of the review, volume, pages, publisher], [place of publications] (e.g.: Marinescu, V., (2010), Skiing in the Carpathians,
  • In the case of a publication: [author name], [first name initial(s))]., [(publication year)], [Title], [Publisher], [Place] (e.g.: Marinescu, V., (2010), Romania today, Masthead Carpathians, Bucharest);
  • In the case of newspaper articles: [newspaper's name], [(publication date)], [Title of the article], [access date], [page] (e.g.: Oradea Times (2010), Travel architecture, 11.3.2010, 13).

For further details regarding the publication of your paper, please contact us.

Editorial address:

University of Oradea

Department of International Relations and European Studies

Str. Universităţii, nr. 1, 410087, Oradea, Romania

Telefon/fax: +40.259.408.167
