The selection of the articles follows the principles and pathway set by our mission. The article selection process goes as follows:
- The editorial staff pre-selects the articles based on the quality of the material received, the compliance with academic rigour and drafting requirements, but also taking into consideration the topics assumed for the upcoming issue.
- Following this preselection, the articles move on towards the double-blind peer-review phase.
- The reviewers are independent and are chosen by taking into consideration three main aspects. First, the reviewer must not share any institutional affiliation with the author. Secondly, reviewers have editorial expertise enabling them to assess the submissions accordingly. Thirdly, they must also have extensive knowledge on the topic of the article that is submitted.
- Thus, two reviewers read the articles and assess them based on the following criteria:
- The relevance of the submission to the topics approached by the journal.
- The scientific quality of the submission - the state of the art, theoretical framework, methodology.
- The topical and innovative aspects of the submission.
- Following the double-blind peer review, the editorial staff decide whether to publish the contribution, to ask for improvements following the peer review or to reject the submission.
The selection, assessment, and publishing process may last up to 4 months. For each yearly issue, the submissions shall be sent up to May 1st. There is no publishing fee for the Annals of University of Oradea. Series International Relations and European Studies.
Antiplagiarism. All submitted manuscripts will be scanned for identification of similarities and will be analyzed by editors for plagiarism prevention. The software used is: SemPlag.